Creating a lag in patented technologies can make you rich with innovations.
Being an innovator, one has to look for opportunities for the upgradation of their offerings. It is pertinent to understand that sometimes aspects of improvement and innovation will not be evident, and in such circumstances, an extensive research methodology is required. It is an advantageous and proactive approach by a developer to identify methods for providing valuable outcomes for the available deficiencies.
What is a White Space?
Blank spaces that are unidentified or have been given no or little importance for patentability are known as white spaces. These white spaces are the guides for Prospective innovations or development opportunities. Needs not yet aligned by the available technologies are imbibed in these gaps, and by uncovering the area, one can explore newer technologies satisfying the lack of requirements.
But the question arises of interpreting that gap or part depicting the requisite change or expansion in technologies for further inventions. The answer lies in a substantially comprehensive approach to market analysis known as White Space analysis.
What is White Space Analysis?
The technology landscape is the gist of the market domain with its current position, competitiveness, the position of an organisation, and the latest available methodologies. Apart from this, the process or procedure to refine or filter the research of new and novel options for inventions in the white spaces of the technology landscape is the white space Analysis process. This scrutinisation involves finding out the available and potential gaps of unmet needs of technology through various tools and filling them with exemplary innovations. Hence, aligning with it, Patent white space analysis is another term for technological area exploration.
Process Involved in White Space Analysis
As we search for already claimed sections before filling a patent application to make amendments, minimising the rejection, white space analysis involves looking for such claimed segments to explore and generate more peculiar ideas to introduce innovations in the marketplace. The cardinal principle of this approach is similar to its larger category of Prior-art search, that is, to bring a novel idea.
After discovering the white space, one should continue researching to find patents in other designated and undesignated databases to filter out the spaces at the maximum.
Work on the Innovation Aspect of Your Offerings
It is encouraged to pay attention to the available products in the market and your offerings or developments to refine spaces for prospective development options.
One of the methods could be comparing goods and services provided in the market and goods and services offered by your organisation. Through this, you can extract the capability and weaknesses of the available technologies, and accordingly, you can make drastic improvements through your holdings.
Narrow Down the Areas
Work doesn’t end on the finding of white spaces because, in the selected area, extensive filtration is required to get the exact subject matter. You will only get a broad understanding of the available area in the above filter. There might be chances that someone has already claimed or innovated a particular aspect of that domain. Hence, reducing the scope for establishing a distinctive process is essential.
Take Feedbacks
In the process of innovation, it becomes essential to take feedback from professionals to know whether the particular aspect would be helpful for the business and could meet the challenges that will be available in the future.
Find the Niche Where Your Innovation is Different
After going through all the processes, the main strand that needs to be taken care of is the exact point of change that needs to be introduced. However, it should be entirely different in its concept of innovation.
Why White Space Analysis?
For every user, there might be specifications for white space analysis. But based on prevalent probing, it has been evident that there are two main reasons for opting for this search methodology.
Expansion of the Technological Field
This aspect includes the externally focused processing of white space analysis as you divulge into new areas of the technology landscape but with a motive of expanding your existing Intellectual property holdings.
Your existing technologies are an added advantage for the new potential area to bring innovativeness and exclusivity before anyone else could.
Identification of Gaps in Already Existing Spaces
Comparison is the real essence of this process. Unlike the above reasoning, here analysing, prospects are internal, wherein your patented technology and the area of that specific technology will be weighed against each other.
After the comparison, research will be performed on the differences available in the form of problems and solutions to discover its novel aspect. PATHtoIP® provides a detailed planning prospect with technology-specific solutions for this domain. Not only this, you’ll be traverse with the adjoining or complementing opportunities for pursual.
Users of White Space Analysis
Extension and addition of inventions to intellectual property portfolio has attracted several businesses to utilise the white space methodology of prior art search domain. The sectors involved in developing their property holdings could be practising or non-practising entities. The only difference between them is that one already has its product in the marketplace, whereas non-practising have patent holdings but have no role in the development.
Well-Established Organisation
These organisations are inclined to explore the associated areas considering their existing portfolio, find the substitute method based upon their current portfolio, and identify different technological areas for further innovations.
An Organisation with Developing Portfolios
For these organisations, white space analysis helps make the idea more powerful and multi-dimensional.
Non-practising entities
Universities, Research institutionshu bj and individual inventors are part of these entities as they are not leaning towards developing the invention. They prefer finding new areas for the extension of their Intellectual property and coating the spaces with new inventions to avoid the usage of workarounds.
Why Choose PATHtoIP®?
Specialised in the Prior-art-search and analysis module, the Research and Development team of PATHtoIP® has professionals who ensure to provide novel detections unknown to the competitors and prospective research areas with higher dividends and strategically designed paths related to your innovations.
Covering all the aspects of Prior Art search and analysis, PATHtoIP® envisioned itself as the creator of a route that will help you transform ideas, illicit, and innovation into the property with all exclusivity rights.
Unbeatable technical expertise, persistence in eminent productivity, efficient quality, and uncompromisable confidentiality, are those four attributes the industry swears on, and PATHtoIP® has implemented them religiously.