Indian patent forms
Form-5 is a declaration for the inventor that has to be created by the applicant for the true and first inventors of the particular invention.
Form 5 consists of information about the applicant as well as the inventor, even it consists of the declaration of the “right to apply for patent”.
Form-5 along with complete specification within one month from the date of filing in India. This form shall have complete details of the name, nationality, and address of the applicant and all the inventors.
- Further specification consists of FORM5
- Applicants: – This section consists of the Name of the applicant/applicants, Nationality of the application, and the proper address of the applicant.
Note: Here the section of declaration, in which the first inventor of the invention will disclose the Application number of filed invention and on what date they filed, that ate will mention here.
- Inventors: – In this section, consists of the Name of the inventor/inventors, the Nationality of the inventor, and proper address of the inventor.
- Declaration: – The statement of declaration will be “We the applicant(s) in the convention country hereby declare that our right to apply for a patent in India is by way of assignment from the true and first inventor(s).” This section will consist of the date of filing and the name of the Authorized Agent of Applicant under which applicant they file the application.
Source: Indian Patent Forms
To have a look at FORM5, visit: https://ipindia.gov.in/writereaddata/Portal/IPOFormUpload/1_16_1/form-5.pdf