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Indian Patent Forms: FORM 3

Indian Patent Forms: FORM 3


Form 3 is a declaration submitted by the inventor to the Indian Patent Office (IPO) in which the applicant provides all the information regarding foreign filing applications.


It consists of details about applicants along with that, this form consists of a declaration about whether the applicant filed that invention in India or along with that in another country.

The Indian Patents Act of 1970, It’s important for the filing of Form-3 under Section 8 for a patent application. Specifically, it imposes obligatory requirements under the two sub-sections.

Sections 8(1) and 8(2) are different subsections under the Indian Patents Act. Section 8(1) requires the applicant to provide a statement that includes detailed particulars of application(s) filed outside India corresponding to its Indian patent application.

Subsection 8(2) requires the applicant to furnish the Controller with details of the processing of every other application filed outside India if requested by the Controller.

Further, the specification contains in FORM3:


This section, it consists of Applicant’s NAME, Applicant’s NATIONALITY, and Applicant’s ADDRESS.


In this section of the form, the applicant have to declare that he have not made any application for the invention outside India.


In this section, the applicant has to declare the filing date.

  1. To be signed by the applicant or his authorized registered patent agent:

In this section, there is a sign of Authorized Agent of Applicant. The agent should be a government agent or it may be a government attorney.

Image Source: Indian Patent Form 3

You can have a look at Form 1. To find Indian Patent Form 3, Visit: https://ipindia.gov.in/writereaddata/Portal/IPOFormUpload/1_14_1/form-3.pdf


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