Patent landscape analysis is a study that gives one platform overview of a dedicated field. For decision-makers, it provides unique and important insights. In the patent landscape, many patents evaluate to extract relevant details.
It generates useful information for getting knowledge of a particular field. All the information will be viewable in a single set of dashboards. A clear overview of the market trends is an important requirement.
With the help of proper contents of the landscape analysis, it gives you technology awareness and further helps formulate a proper strategy that improves you on the particular art.
It is how it helps to generate innovative ideas and to execute them well. Understanding the market is about getting insight into the product and technology, revealing prospects, and public opinion.
Businesses tend to perform a landscape analysis as soon as the idea is initiated if any other business is on different thought lines than yours is best.
Benefits of Patent Landscaping
Businesses often question the benefits derived from patent landscape analysis. With the help of the landscape, they can make decisions based on evidence.
You can also make informed choices and see the potential areas for growth. With the help of patent landscape analysis, it gives you a brief insight into technology, product, and competition. With the help of this study, you gain a better understanding of different aspects.
- Innovation and technology trends in your promising areas
- A quick comparison of trends in the technology sub-sectors
- Identifying the over-developed areas
- Top patent application and key players in the area
- The link that discusses between critical inventors, as well as applicants
- Development in duration and scope of patent protection
The Purpose and Scope of Patent Landscape Analysis
With the help of this analysis, large corporations, start-ups, and even universities can take potential measures. Before you spend your time and money on this, developing innovative ideas and analysis can help. It gives a clear picture of how innovative the area is.
By seeking help from PATHtoIP® professionals, you can generate the analysis and be away from infringement risks. With this outcome, experts and businesses aim to improve invention.
With the help of patent landscaping, you understand the latest technology trends and the market’s major players. This analysis will help acquire companies, license opportunities, and license opportunities. You gain better insight into your patent value and strength.
Landscape analysis isn’t merely a formal procedure. The purpose of the analysis is crucial. It generally offers for reasons including
- A business that tends to develop a new product in the particular market
- To help companies evolve and build a proper business plan or strategy
- Companies who wish to make sure of their competitors
- To make the company understand which of the areas doesn’t have a lot of patents
- For minimising the risk and identifying potential growth.
The Process of Patent Landscape Analysis
A patent search is carried out on commercial patents and non-patent data. The analysis starts with a relevant keyword and its synonym, and further, it proceeds with a class-based, citation, and assignee-inventor search.
The invention’s nature determines the number of results generated for it. With broader and older technologies, you can generate thousands of results, while for newer and narrow ones, there can be around ten to a hundred results.
Once the search is performed, it will analyse the results and generate valid results. The report also contains relevant trends and deep insights for understanding the current position of technology. Patent landscape reports provide through a proper patent dashboard.
In short, patent landscaping involves computer software and human intelligence. It proceeds with surveys and reports that are organised and then reported.
A patent landscape, once completed, helps businesses reveal crucial information about the analysis. There are around five key steps that are involved in the process, and it takes, in combination, various decisions based on the study’s purpose.
This kind of process involves the following steps, which include:
- Search, review, and refine the subject matter
- Data cleanup and normalisation
- Review data, create categories, and populate
- Create charts/tables and visualisations
- Ongoing monitoring and analysis
A completed patent landscape analysis task consists of technical references and associated analytics from which can extract important legal, business, and technology information. Patent mapping provides real insight into the technological space and helps businesses to find answers to the most critical questions.
Patent landscape analysis by a knowledgeable patent expert with both legal and technical understanding and in-depth knowledge of intellectual asset management provides end-users with valuable, actionable information.
By choosing PATHtoIP®, we help you get an overview of a particular technology area through patent landscape analysis. We understand that the analysis tends to become a beneficial tool since it involves policy and decision-making elements.
With our help, businesses can redirect their activities and venture into technological spaces that apply to them. We have experts on board from all technological domains.
With our patent landscape analytics platform, PATHtoIP® performs targeted and detailed searches that curate reliable details. All the platforms we provide are integrated, and our smart technology quickly takes you through industry data and relevant information to find a proper solution. We at PATHtoIP® have become a platform of choice for multiple companies that are leading innovators.